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Flow of grants/subsidy consulting

​Initial meeting


We will explain our services and provide information on the benefits you may receive.We will make proposals regarding grants and subsidies..

First, please let us know your preferred meeting location (video call is possible) and date and time by email or phone.

grant consulting

¥ 200,000

After a one-hour meeting about your business and plans, we will inform you about the subsidies you can apply for in about a week.
We appreciate your time as we provide comprehensive proposals, not just employment-related subsidies.
If you are in a hurry, please feel free to contact us.

Application procedures for planning, implementation, and payment​Application procedures

​Dispatch cost: 50,000 yen/3 days

Customers who wish to dispatch experienced personnel to handle a series of procedures related to grants should sign a dispatch contract with us and proceed with the procedures.

*Generally, it takes about six months to a year and a half from the time of application until the grant is paid.

*If there is a defect in the procedure due to our company and the payment is not made, we will refund the full amount of the consulting fee.

​​ Success fee payment

10% of the amount received

Please pay by bank transfer or credit card within one year from the consulting date. 

*If you submit a certificate of non-payment, we will refund the amount.

Investigation response


After receiving the subsidy, there may be an on-site inspection at the Labor Bureau or Hello Work. If you are not familiar with handling investigations, we will provide support. We can also introduce you to professionals with whom we can collaborate.
Please contact us if you are interested.

助成金・補助金コンサルティングの流れ: リスト

​Flow of sales consulting

First meeting

​We will confirm the gap between the company's future vision (mission, vision) and the current situation, and visualize the issues. Then, we will consider the direction toward solving the problem. 

​ Management plan (medium and long-term management plan) confirmation

​22200000-0000-0000-0000-000000000222_A management plan is a "guidepost" for getting from the current situation to the desired future state. We will clarify what the company needs to do to set higher-level goals and realize those goals in an ever-changing environment. We support the formulation of the plan.

​ Investigation and analysis of management resources

We understand and analyze the current status of management resources such as "people, things, money, and information," and formulate strategies that can be effectively utilized and realized.

We will establish a system to establish sales management and enable functional sales activities. We will support sales development such as necessary skills and knowledge.

​Management strategy formulation

Analyze your company's strengths and weaknesses and formulate a feasible strategy. We formulate and execute sales strategies for each customer using 5C analysis. We support you in developing strategies for deepening your understanding of existing customers and acquiring new customers.

助成金・補助金コンサルティングの流れ: よくある質問

​HR consulting process

First meeting

We identify issues related to the customer's human resources strategy from a medium- to long-term perspective.

​From a personnel perspective, we will guide you through interviews with customers to determine what you should do now to expand your business and sales in the future.

Consideration and confirmation of personnel implementation measures

​ Human resource recruitment, training, and motivation measures, how to revitalize communication that has been lost due to the coronavirus pandemic, and a proactive human resources strategy that evolves work styles and adapts to the current situation. We will formulate this together with our customers.

​​ Consideration of investment in human resources

In order to implement HR strategies tailored to our customers, we clarify how to utilize "people, goods, money, and information" and how to consolidate and reduce them, thereby increasing the ability to implement measures.

Execution of HR strategy

We will propose the optimal HR strategy based on the customer's analysis results and guide it to the implementation phase. Rather than just making a proposal, we stay close to our customers and provide long-term support through reviews and improvements, allowing us to maximize the use of our customers' human resources.

助成金・補助金コンサルティングの流れ: よくある質問

Business process consulting flow

​Confirmation of actual status of business flow

We identify issues by visualizing business processes by checking to see if there is any waste or unreasonableness in daily routine work, and where bottlenecks are in the business flow. In addition, we transcribed the outline of the work and the process of the procedure and confirmed the risks. We create and evaluate business risks and corresponding controls, and support the creation of rules and systems that employees must comply with in order to achieve management goals.

​Is risk management in place?

In risk management, we fully understand all risks associated with business operations and visualize the probability of occurrence and impact of each risk. We consider countermeasures (prevention, mitigation, relocation, acceptance) and support the formulation of countermeasure plans and implementation plans.

​Information security

Current technological innovations have made remarkable progress in information infrastructure, and it has become an indispensable tool for our business. In order to be able to continue to use the tool with peace of mind, there is a possibility that important information may be leaked, the data may be destroyed by a virus infection, the tool may suddenly become unusable, or the trust of important customers may be lost. there is.

We support various information security measures.

助成金・補助金コンサルティングの流れ: よくある質問



助成金・補助金コンサルティングの流れ: お問い合わせ

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